To add a new follow up

This enables you to review and conduct a follow up for customers


  1. Log into the system
  2. Go to "Client Management" Module under "Customer Relationship Manager" section, click on the "Customer Follow Up" link
  3. Click on the “Add Follow Up” button at the top left of the page
  4. "Add Follow Up" form will pop out, fill in the customer related details in the provided fields, date, customer, follow up type (meeting or telephone call, quick description of the follow up, send reminder to the members you would want reminded of the follow up and the next bring up date
  5. Click on the “Add Follow Up” button to submit once you are done

Customer follow up list


  1. Go to client management module
  2. Under “Customer Relationship Manager” click on the Customer Follow Up link
  3. Scroll down to “List Of Follow Ups” to view all the customer follows registered in the system