What is a To - do List?

The To-do List is a feature in the system that allows you to capture and assign tasks to either yourself or other users within the system. Once added, they reside in the receiver’s notification area as ‘pending’ until marked as ‘completed’. Other System users, if selected, can be notified of the task via the system memo. Tasks once assigned will need to be completed.
By default a user can only view tasks to which they are creators of or assigned to. In some cases, users with the role 61 – Assign Task to Other Users are able to view other tasks and even complete on behalf of others.

Please follow the below steps;

Creating a To-do task via the To Do List Window;

  1. Log in to the system.
  2. Every user has access to the Notifications button at the top right corner of the system page.
  3. Click on the Notification button to reveal a list of pending system activities including My To-Do List 
  4. Select the My To-Do List Option to open the To-Do List pop-up window with a list of pending tasks.
  5. Click on the Add To-Do button that appears at the top left of the popup window.
  6. Add the task details on the New To-Do pop-up window.
  7. Note: ‘Task Name’, ‘Assign To’ and ‘Task Description’ are required fields.
  8. Once done, click the Add To-do button at the bottom to capture the task.
     You should receive a success message.