Timesheet tracks what users do on a daily basis, file related or not.
- Log into the system
- Go to “Addons” dropdown at the top right of the page
- Click on the “Time Sheets” link
- To add tasks, click on the Add Task button, fill in the details on the pop out add tasks to timesheet form i.e. Client, file and type (billable or non-billable). NB- If billable a form containing a list of all the billable tasks will pop up, select the task by clicking on the checkbox against it and vice versa.
- Once done click on the Submit button to save
- To post time, go to back to the added tasks. There is an edit area for each day and task for adding time and description of the task
- Click on small paper like icon (white in color when empty and orange when filled), enter time and description then once done click on the Submit button to save