Assets are resources with economic value that a company owns and controls with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit. Different departments have different assets and there are risks which can be identified from this section. Also, a review of the assets must be conducted to identify and monitor if any risks are involved.
Follow the below steps:
1. Log into the system
2. Go to "Asset Management" module
3. Click on "Asset Identification & Analysis" sub module
4. Click on "Asset Identification" link
5. This is to view a list of all assets registered in the system which has the assets details and their current status (reviewed or missing review) Click on "Add Asset" button at the top page
6. Fill in the details in the pop out add asset form i.e. Name, label, type, legal constraints, asset user etc as sown in the below example.
7. Once done click on the "Add" button to submit the details
8. The details captured will be saved under the Assets sections which awaits reviews