This is a period established by a department to conduct an inspection of the security services i.e. this is to identify performance if functioning or faulty. This helps in risk identifications and compliance requirements.

Follow the below steps:


1. Log into the system


2. Go to "Controls Hub' module


3. Click on "Services and Policies" sub module


4. Click on "Security Services" link


5. This is to view a list of all security services in the system, go to the specific service you wish to add maintenance date


6. Click on the "Action" button against it


7. Click on "SS Maintenance" (Security Service) option


8. Click on "Add Maintenance Date" button


9. Select the date then click on the "Add" button to submit


10. Maintenance add successfully notification will pop out which means maintenance date has been submitted


11. As shown in the below example 2 maintenance date added which awaits review and conclusion

NB- You will get a notification reminding you on the selected maintenance date once it approaches.