
  1. Log into the System

  2. On the dashboard, find and click on the "File Management" or "Case Management" module.

  3. On the "File Management" module, locate and the "Maintenance" section.

  4. Click on the "File Progress / Bring Ups" link to access the file progress page.

  5. To post a new entry. On the file progress page, click the "Add New Progress" button, located at the top-left of the page.



  6. From the dropdown that appears, select "Add File Progress & Bring Up" or (add file progress only, add file bring up only) to proceed. 

  7. A form will appear. Enter the necessary details for the file progress and bring-up, making sure to complete all required fields.

  8. After completing the form, scroll down to the bottom of the page then click the "Add Action" button to save and submit the entry. All bring ups will send a reminder to your email.